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Weekly Lectures

At Samr Centre, we strive to deliver a range of Lectures and talks on a weekly basis. Our Imaams and teachers have prepared engaging topics to help educate the community and create an environment of learning.

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Hadith Halaqah: A lesson going through the famous book of Imaam An Nawawi, Riyadh Us Saaliheen as well as learning about the Aqeedah of Imaam Bukhari

After Isha
Ustadh Akeel



Tafsir of Surah Al-Faatihah and Al Baqarah - Ibn Kathir: A class designed to help connect with the Quran by understanding the words of Allah

After Isha
Ustadh Muhammed Khan

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Mutoon Classes: Reading and understanding short books on various topics. A syllabus compiled by Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al Qasim -  currently studying Al Arbeen an-nawai

After Isha
Ustadh Muhammed Khan

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Lions of the jungle: Exploring the lives of some of the most influential companions of the Prophet SAW and taking applicable lessons

After Isha
Ustadh Muhammed Khan

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